Hello! My name is Tiffany. I am a work at home mom/wife. I started blogging after I was struggling to get Christmas presents for my daughter and found an coupon deal where I got free toys. I was excited about the find and shared it to a couple of facebook groups I was in. I got SO many thank yous and told how I had saved others Christmas. So I started blogging in hopes to help others. I've been blogging on facebook for almost 5 years now and recently added a website.

Shortly after discovering extreme couponing, I found Amazon reviewing. Sadly Amazon reviewing is a thing of the past but I have found other ways to help Amazon sellers and have been working
with many Amazon sellers through out the years. Not only am I helping sellers, many of my followers get great deals on items to donate or items they normally wouldn't be able to afford.

So why do I blog? To help people out. Also money earned from ads goes to my daughter's blind bags funds... they are very expensive and my daughter is crazy about them. 

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